His new mom Carmeline writes:
It was very emotional for me when I saw George. I can't explain it. There is a picture of our first hug. Though the ride home was long, the weather was beautiful and it was incredible to me to see how well these dogs traveled. Think about it . . . I picked up two dogs I had never seen before, they had never seen each other, they both were recovering from surgeries, I put them both in my car and drove for four hand a half hours!! Wow! I am impressed!

We left here at 7AM, had both dogs by noon, back here at 4:30PM. Chrissy stayed on the seat behind me or on the couch in the back. She slept and looked out the window. George rode up front taking turns on my granddaughter's and my lap! Arriving home my granddaughter and I had about ten minutes before the visitors started. My family, I think, was as excited as I. It was quite a happening! George took everything in stride, gave hugs, leaned, and cuddled all night long. It was 8:30 before they all left. You and Tamara called to see how the transfer went. Chrissy fell fast asleep on the couch and George on the Recliner (typical male, female?) I was so exhausted I left them right there and went up to bed.

By the time Chrissy's new family got here at 2PM Sunday afternoon, I was getting attached to her. She is a very sweet, gentle soul, with such sad eyes. Her family was very excited to see her and take her home. (Let me just add here, that the only problem I had with all of this, is that Chrissy is a future Steeler fan!! I wanted to buy her a Browns bandanna, but there wasn't time)

George slept in my bed with me last night. He is very cuddly. He snores! He is getting familiar with the house and he is wanting to snuggle with Pez, his cat brother. They are being very calm with each other, looking and sniffing. Pez will take a while to actually cuddle with George, but once that happens I am sure they will be together all of the time!

I can't thank all of you enough for the work you do. It is amazing to me the dedication and care that is given to these very lucky dogs! I am lucky to have benefitted from all of your work! Thank you all so much!!!